HighTide Writers Group – Submission Window Opening Soon

HighTide Writers Group – Submission Window Opening Soon

Posted on July 7th, 2023

In March, we asked how HighTide can support you, as East of England playwrights. In response, we have created Playwrights East, a new region-wide network and skills sharing programme. Soon, we’ll be in touch about the first set of free events, open to all.

You also asked us to read your plays and create a writers group. So we’re going to do just that.

Announcing today: on 11 September, we will open a 6-week play script submission window. We’ll be asking for 20 page samples and offering short feedback to anyone who would like it, regardless of outcome. From those extracts, we will select 6 playwrights to join our inaugural HighTide Writers Group: a paid year-long playwright development programme.

We will provide lots more detail closer to September but we wanted to give you a heads up this summer that the opportunity is coming…so get writing!

If you’re interested in learning more, join our Playwrights East newsletter (by emailing [email protected]) and you’ll be the first to hear more details when they’re available.